Relatively unknown to the masses until recent years, Telegram has quickly become one of the most popular messaging applications on the market. Peer-to-peer encrypted chats, a lack of metadata retention, and no advertising are just a few of the reasons why Telegram has the edge over other messengers both in terms of communication and monetization.
How to make money online?
There are a few ways to generate revenue. As the administrator, you can sell advertisements or paid posts on your channel, raise funds, sell 3rd party products and services or launch a subscription business in Telegram. There are lots of possibilities for how you can monetize your Telegram channel.
Sell advertisements or paid posts
Posting ads and paid posts in your Telegram channel or group is one of the most popular ways of Telegram monetization. Though there’s no built-in advertising on Telegram, if you have a large channel (let's say more than 50k members), don't be surprised if you are contacted by another channel owner with a paid campaign or cross-promotion offer.
Raise funds
Fundraising is the process of seeking and gathering voluntary financial contributions by engaging individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies. Simple as that. Just reach out to your audience and ask them to help you with donations so you can achieve a certain goal.
Affiliate marketing
You can make money in Telegram with affiliate marketing by promoting other companies’ products or services and drive a sale. This strategy is considered one of the most lucrative ones on Telegram. Usually the company whose products you're promoting should provide you a unique link that you can share to your channels or groups. This link pays you a certain percentage of whatever the user buys at the end of their journey.
Affiliate marketing is a simple, low-cost business and the great thing about it is, you can have it in any niche.
Launch a subscription business in Telegram
One way to earn money from a Telegram is to sell subscriptions - charge your members a recurring fee — typically monthly or yearly — and get a constant source of income. Usually you have a public channel which you use for marketing and promotional purposes and also, a private Telegram channel with premium content available for paying customers only. Popular examples of how a Telegram channel can monetize its content by subscription: sport betting tips (football, tennis, etc), trading channels with signals (Forex, Crypto), educational resources, etc.
Telegram hasn't been created with paid subscriptions in mind and it doesn't have a built-in option for this, so we would have to count on 3rd party applications (bots) to do that.
Here it comes TGmembership - a Telegram subscription bot solution that can be started even with zero technical skills.
You don't have to write even a single line of code. Just create a Telegram bot, connect it to TGmembership and let us do the rest. It gets you up and running with less than an hour's work, and after that, you can sit back and relax while we take care of the management. That's the great thing about TGmembership; it does all the work for you. There are no apps to install, no plugins to use, and no complicated processes. All you need is a Telegram account and an idea of what you'd like to do.
Telegram is growing in popularity, and there's still plenty of time to make money. If you're not using Telegram yet, it's time to start. Not only will you be part of a great app that's growing in popularity, but you'll also have a place to start your subscription business and monetize your premium content. All of this means more money for you. Here's the critical part: Telegram already has millions of active users. This means that you don't have to worry about a saturated market. There's plenty of room for your new subscription business.
The entire process from start to finish is super easy, and it won't take you as long as you think it will. Always remember that if you give people high-quality content in your membership area, they're going to keep paying month after month. Subscription businesses are one of the best ways to not only earn money now but to turn it into a passive cash cow that will bring in revenue for months, if not years, for each person who subscribes.