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Our team is here to help and answer any questions you may have.

Don't want to use the contact form? No problem. You can write to us directly in the support chat in Telegram, or search for TGmembership on social networks. You will find links to our official profiles at the bottom of this page.

History of TGmembership

September 2018 - The beginning of TGmembership

I was running a subscription business myself at this time. I understand perfectly well how much work and time it takes to run this type of business - I've been in your position. I spent months trying to find a bot like TGmembership to make my life easier, unfortunately without any success. I found similar bots for Discord, Slack, etc., but not for Telegram. Maybe I should be the one to create it?

August 2020 - Transition from private to public service

The subscription business seems to be growing faster than I expected. New names appeared every few days. Was I the only one who found it difficult to manage such a business? Won't my bot benefit these people too? There is only one way to find out. I'm starting to redesign its core (pretty much starting from scratch) so that it can be used as a public service.

September 2020 - is registered

I'm progressing fast. One good thing to have in the whole global quarantine situation - I have enough time to work on TGmembership. Nearly a month later and more than 250 hours of hard work, the bot is starting to take on the look I want to give it. The next step is to get him a website.

October 2020 - Private beta tests

Many more days and nights have passed, but I now seem to be approaching the ultimate goal. TGmembership is ready to undergo more in-depth tests. However, it is still in a relatively early stage of development - we will limit it to closed beta tests.

November 2020 - Public beta tests

The development is going much better than I thought. The bot seems to be stable and with minimal resource usage, which is extremely important - the less it uses, the more efficiently it will be able to serve its sister bots and all their users. In this situation, the next step is logical. The bot remains in beta, but now public - anyone can test it.

December 2020 - We leave the beta stage

Maybe I was right - there is a demand for TGmembership. I was lucky enough to have two medium-sized projects join the tests from the first days, as well as a third, a little later. Serving real businesses and taking care of the needs of my clients, respectively theirs clients too, I was able to discover and clear a dozen imperfections that I might not have noticed for months. Exactly one month after entering the public beta stage, TGmembership is ready to leave it and move on to its public, stable version. Thanks to everyone who took part in the beta.

February 2021 - Processed payments for over €2000.

Less than 2 months after the official launch of TGmembership, processed payments for end customers exceeded €2000 (excluding test payments). New bots are being registered daily and more and more people are trusting TGmembership to run their memberships businesses. This month is also marked by expanding the number of servers we use to support the service - increased demand requires increasing our hardware resources to handle it. The high quality of the service we try to maintain, as well as its constant improvement, seem to be appreciated and give results. Thanks to everyone who trusted TGmembership and continues to do so.

March 2021 - 130+ registered bots & processed payments for over €40000.

The pace at which TGmembership is growing exceeds all our expectations. Some large companies have entrusted their business projects to our platform and the amount of processed payments has increased more than 20 times in just one month. We work hard to make sure we offer the highest level of service, at the best possible price. We have developed a dozen individual solutions for different bots to meet the needs of our customers. The success of your business is key to us and it seems that this philosophy is appreciated.

The most complete Telegram membership bot.

It's never been easier to